Business center building

Information desk
Check in and information desk provides registration, safety induction, and familiarisation of our Customers with the terminal rules and regulations. The desk officers also give detailed information about services and their locations at Murphy Estate Kazbegi terminal. Another important task of our information desk officers is to take care of our Customers' timely departure by contacting them personally to make sure that they don't miss electronic invitations for border crossing delivered by the customs electronic queueing system. 
Compulsory insurance desk offers an easy and convenient way of paying for the compulsory insurance for the cars and trucks entering Georgia. 
Customs coordination desk offers full customs support for the commercial vehicles entering Russian Federation with either transit or import purposes. Trained and highly qualified personnel arrange and submit to Russian customs, border and road authorities all kind of paperwork required by the Russian authorities, including but not limited to advance electronic declarations, vehicle's temporary importation, import declarations, international and internal transit guarantee, all kind of insurance. The same desk can also arrange customs clearance and all kinds of customs brokerage services in the Russian Federation as well as at any destination. The services are being provided while commercial drivers waiting for the call to cross the border at our terminal and thus saving significantly the time that drivers usually waste at the Russian side of the border waiting to complete and submit exactly the same paperwork. 
Payment desk provides payment for the electronic queuing system.
Currency exchange desk provides a convenient way of exchange GEL, RR, USD without leaving the terminal.
TBC payment terminals provide all kinds of payment operations.

Multifunctional building

At our multifunctional building, you can enjoy shopping offered by MurphyMart supermarket conveniently occupying 400 sq/m space on the ground floor. 
Cafe La Route
On the same floor Cafe, La Route offers our Customers snacks, hot and cold beverages. In the warm weather, the cafe offers spacious and picturesque outside spaces by the ponds where you can also enjoy a barbeque and fast-food variety of meals.
Should our Customers wish to have a proper meal they can visit our buffet type restaurant on the first floor of the building where they will be served with the variety of tasty and the least expensive meal in the region, enjoying it in the contemporary designed clean and spacious dining hall.
Toilets and shower rooms
Toilets and shower rooms are on the ground floor of the building and are being kept in clean condition with the established cleaning shift every 15 minutes. Shower rooms offer changing rooms and cubicles kept in compliance with required hygienic standards. Shower services are being offered for affordable prices with or without fresh towels and toiletries.
Cars repair shop
The repair and spare parts shop is on the same ground floor with a separate entrance where our customers can enjoy services offered by one the biggest company chain of repair shops in Georgia. Should our Customers be in need of repair works, the service will be provided straight in the terminal using special survey facilities next to the multifunctional building.